Small Welding Machines and Welding Shops

Welding machines are better defined as tools or equipment which use heat and pressure to create a joint between two pieces of metals or materials. Welding equipment find great use in various production units that produce engineering materials and in automobiles and aerospace industries. They are also used widely in manufacturing companies of train carriages and coaches. Welders have a widespread use in most of the industries. Looking at welders as equipment of the industries is a narrow perspective. They are also successfully used in small shops of repair and small scale manufacturing workshops. Welding machines are of different kinds and depending upon the source of energy used to create welds; these welding machines are classified as Arc Welders; Fusion Welders; Plasma Cutting Machine; Resistance Welders; Solid State Welders and other similar devices. Out of all these welding equipment, MIG welding machines are most versatile and are available in various sizes and find diffe...